Last days before christmas holidays!

Working with mock data in Express Server so it looked more like real scenario data. There was already an existing API for certain domains we where using. So we made it easy for ourselves and used that to query data for our application. Used postman to request the data and then copy/pasted it in a json-file for our Express Server to diguest as response to calls on the localhost mock api. This made the data more realistic, it also made it simpler for me to understand the data.

Linting is implemented in the project and we had some issues to resolve. A great way forcing developers to follow guidelines. These linting features applied help in the VS Code editor and performed checks on Git Pre-Commits.

JSON. To be camelCase or to be PascalCase or even snake_case! We built the entire application using variable names with camelCase syntax and now our api is responding with data in PascalCasing. Such a simple bug but yet so tedious! Asked a teammate about this and he said it was like the wild west! The decision was to format our data with the camelCase syntax when there was time to do backend serialization (which I preferred!). Ended up making a js-script that made the converting for the json files. Changing property names programmatically was the correct way to go. Could have solved the problem with search and replace perhaps!?

UI extra everything === High Maintenance. As we thought from the beginning, treeview is back on the table!

Network problems makes my days frustrating. Managed to make the connection to DA for a longer period of time this week.

Last but not least we made a little demo to the Nova Team before wishing each other a merry christmas and happy new year. They where happy with the outcome with a lot of positive feedback.

My motivation has been a little lower this week. Could you expect that just because it’s a job you love there would not be those periods that’s a little tougher getting through?

Been working on my resume lately and want to start the process of job-searching early on. At the start of the summer I’m going to have a job! No excuses!

Anyone looking for a System Developer?

Ohh finishing of with a print-pic in celebration of the Mandalorian Season Finale.

The Mandalorian Image

Until next time, may the force be with you!