Centiro Internship Week Fifteen
Database framework
Me, Johan, our mentor Eric and one of the DBA:s got together to talk about the creation of database tables and how they where going to be set up. As I mentioned in a earlier post some of the tables and relations could be a little confusing, this got cleared out in this session when a database framework was introduced. This framework has lived for a longer time and should be the rules/guides on how to manage/setup database objects. This is truly the way things should be handled! We discussed PK:s, columns, indexes and a lot more that would impact performance on the database. It was a interesting conversation in which I got a better understanding about how we should work together in the entire stack.
Feedback is rolling in
Plenty of feedback results in many bugfixes (but fairly simple ones). Prioritizing feature development on a weekly bases has made results and it have proved to be a very effective way of working. When we have implemented many of the core features and they are stable, I want to take a few steps back and make room for some refactoring. Some parts of the backend needs some clarification and rebuilds to enhance performance. Our backlog is getting bigger and bigger and time flashes by fast.
Finale Exam Initiated!
Began to create parts of my project for the final examination project. As I mentioned in an earlier post It’s going to be a home automation system. I decided to split it up into two repositories:
These projects was created so I could test some ideas and theories. There are a bunch of question marks that needs to be cleared out. The most important one right now is what kind of data storage I need. I’m curious about MongoDB or another DocumentDB, but feel like I also need a relational database. I have to read up on the subject before making any decisions.
CodeReview and Interview
I was really nervous about the code review for the assignment. It went well, and they where pleased with the solution. They asked some questions on how to improve the application and I had good answers to everyone of them.
Got a email from HR with a scheduled meeting link on friday at 11 to evaluate. Is this the moment I’ve been waiting for? Am I getting this job for real!? The answer was yes! I’m going to be a junior software developer at Centiro Solutions! Nothing has been signed yet, the company must decide where in the organization I’m needed. Every part of the company needs developers!
Stepping into a new era in my career. All hard work has finally paid off!
Rounding up with a off-topic Trivia
I enjoy playing video-games on my spare time and I’m currently playing Borderlands 3 with one of my closest friends. We recently bought a expansion DLC called Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot. There is a part where you meet a guy called Freddie. Do you know who it references? Hackerman from the indie cult movie Kung Fury. That is a wicked movie!
One type of slot-machine is also a look-a-like of the robot-arcade-machine Kung Fury fights in the first scenes.
The never ending search for the ultimate weapon in Borderlands continues!
Until next time! Take care now, bye bye then!