Centiro Internship Week Seventeen
Cleaning the board
Monday morning started with a big cleanup of our Azure Board. Many stories where considered done and some deprecated. Our prioritization was then established with the order of the stories in the list, the most important story at the top. It then became clear what was a priority when someone else looked at the board.
For the rest of the week we dived in on creating new features.
Github Projects
Github Projects is a great way of organize your project. My experience with Azure Boards have been a smooth ride. But with my Exam Project I wanted to go all-in Github. GitHub Cli was installed so I could utilize features as making Pull Requests from my terminal. This is a great way learning a new set of tools.
The reason why I started to setup the boards was so I could set clear goals, because I feel that I’m getting stuck in what is needed to be done. Gonna take the weekend on working on these boards.
Got The Job!
I’m very proud to announce that I signed a employment contract as a Software Developer at Centiro Solutions this week