Centiro Internship Week Eighteen
The Monday Feeling
Feeling a little slow this monday and it has affected productivity. I guess it’s just one of those days that everyone has from time to time. Out of focus and not very productive start.
What Happened?
Finishing up last weeks features and bugs as a startup for the week.
Implementing more advanced form validation features in som areas of the application. The design-system the company provides has it’s flaws on that it masks certain behavior that angular has out of the box, such as marking a entire form as touched for visual confirmation on invalid input on fields (form.markAllAsTouched()).
We have been discussing how to catch errors in forms when a post request is made. ModelState is a object that can be used to respond to wrong input that explains what went wrong and specifically to what entity it belongs to. With this feature we could add useful hints below each field-input that has errors. One of the hardest parts of frontend development is how to alert and inform the user on events that are crucial to complete complex tasks.
Focusing more and more time on the exam project. This is not affecting the work hours at Centiro. I’m using my spare time on this so I could use the last 4 weeks polishing the project and prepare for the presentation. If I only got 4 weeks all in all for the project I wouldn’t make it as it involved a higher level of complexity than the original idea. My intention is to start working part-time
Where is the truth? The URL tells us! Some parts of the app uses properties to filter the results, and this should be added to the URL as query-parameters so the link could be shared or used to duplicate a tab/window.
We are behind on Client-Side tests and mock-api. Hopefully we have some time at the end to focus more on this stuff. I would really like to practice writing tests for the backend. This involves both unit-tests and integration-testing.
Final Thoughts
My colleague is not a fan of frontend development. Or does he think I like it better? I do actually. My skill in Angular has improved very much lately when I’m throwing myself at new concepts and techniques.
Time to time I love doing some backend stuff, especially dotnet C# coding. This eager will be pleased when I dig in on my Finale Exam Project. Planning phase is almost done and time to get to writing some code again!
Until Next Week. Go Get That Sunshine!