Centiro Internship Week Twenty
Refactoring services and placing them in relevant modules to make the files a little bit shorter. I really have to read up on how to make my http calls more generic and reusable. It’s a tiny bit hard to understand at the moment and could be simpler and more straight forward.
Weekly with mentor and we talked about next tasks to priorities. Making the final touches for UAT deployment.
Code Reflections
Someone is finally reading my code and starts to ask questions about how and why we are doing things the way we do. That is great, someone to reflect with! This is one of those things that I have been asking for from the start, as a student I want someone watching over my shoulder, teaching me how to do things right. A very important thing to remember when working as a software-developer (or as a team in general) is to share knowledge and to alert someone when they have done wrong. Of course in a productive way that gives room to improve and adjust.
Migration to a MicroApi
Moving out from a bigger Legacy Api and .Net Framework into a smaller MicroApi under .Net 5. SonarCube was integrated to add notifications on code errors regarding security and codesmell. Also managed to setup SonarLint in Visual Studio. Super easy and very helpful when addressing issues that came up during builds.
Slaying Monsters!
Stuck with The Witcher: 3 Wild Hunt. Probably the best game I’ve ever played! One of those games on my bucket-list. Had to start over when there was this discount on PS-Store for GOTY Edition. Man there are so many side-quests!
Until Next Week. Happy Monster Hunting!